How to Implement Behavior Analysis and Cognitive Support Skills and Strategies in the Family


Course Code:ABA1-001
How to Implement Behavior Analysis and
Cognitive Support Skills and Strategies in the Family

Cheng Wai Kuen, Libby

Phd, M.Ed, BCBA

Webinar Description

This parent seminar will introduce the skills of implementing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at home, aiming to help parents understand their children’s behaviors and needs more systematically, know how to use appropriate behavioral intervention strategies, and help children control their emotions and communicate with their children. Engage in meaningful conversations and support your child’s learning more effectively. Parents are expected to gain valuable information and tips to help them better care for and support their children’s growth.

Target Audience

Parents and anyone interested in this topic


Closing Date for Registration

Registration Closed

Course Instructor

Cheng Wai Kuen, Libby

Phd, M.Ed,
Phone: (+852) 9299-2838

HK$ 50

Zoom (Webinar)


19:30 – 20:50

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