Wellmind etc Seminar (7 Jan 2023) Early detection of developmental disorders in children and interdisciplinary approaches to healing

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Wellmind etc Seminar (7 Jan 2023) Early detection of developmental disorders in children and interdisciplinary approaches to healing

What motivates students?

Also, what motivates them to engage in school to master the goals you have chosen for them?

The answers here vary widely and have huge implications for every student.

Let’s start with the obvious answer. “Everyone goes to school”, or “In this day and age, everyone needs an education”. Although there is some truth to these clichéd responses. But if one of these “because everyone does it” answers is the best reason young people go to school, it’s no wonder these kids don’t get involved and just go to school because school is something done.

When asked about their reasons for attending school and doing well, upperclassmen often cite the mantra “I had to do well in school to get into college.” This can be a real motivator, especially in families who expect academic and professional success. But when we asked the question, was this the answer we really wanted? While playing video games, doing well just to get to the next level is fine, but the educational goals of being a middle schooler don’t seem inspiring.

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