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Prof Tsang

Prof Tsang


About Me

Prof. Tsang completed a Diploma in Occupational Therapy and an Advanced Master of Occupational Therapy majoring in Developmental Disorders at the Hong Kong Polytechnic and New York University in the United States. She then obtained her PhD from Deakin University, Australia. She is a Registered Occupational Therapist in Hong Kong and the United States, and has completed internationally recognized courses in the United States, including the Sensory Integration Movement Planning Test (SIPT) and Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) training, as well as training at the Pëto Academy in Hungary. Guided education courses. Prof. Zeng is practicing in the United States and Hong Kong and has at least 18 years of clinical work experience. She also served as an associate professor of occupational therapy at Donghua College and a full-time professor of higher education for more than 20 years.

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